Friday, October 2, 2009

Capitol Tour; "Odds" & Ends and musings

We toured the inside of the Pennsylvania State Capitol. It was absolutely gorgeous! I am always amazed at the talent, skill and artistry of the founders of our country. I marvel at the pride they must have taken in their work to do such beautifully detailed workmanship.

Inside the annex

Inside the Capitol Building:

The Dome!

A school group having their picture taken on the steps! They were so cute and so well behaved. As we were leaving they were all lining up to use the restroom. I'm glad I got in there before that group!

More of the dome

The ceiling of the House of Representatives:

A stained glass window in the House of Representatives:

The House of Representatives:

Side wing of the Capitol dome:


(notice the figure in the center)

"Odds" & Ends:
They had these cows all over town *?*

All the firehydrants we saw were painted like this *?*
(they weren't all painted exactly alike, but painted just as wierd all the same)

I guess pigs now fly!

And remember the pink fountain on the Capitol grounds? I guess it is for breast cancer awareness~

So this wraps up our stay in Harrisburg.
Things I've learned while I was here:
There is at least one church on every block, if not on every corner.
There is no where to get a decent ice cream cone and no place for a milk shake!
For being the birthplace of Hershey Chocolate, there isn't a morsel to be found!
Half the streets downtown look like alleys.
People are the same pretty much wherever we go and I love seeing, meeting and talking with them! I don't even mind being called "Ma'am"!
It's been a great stay. I didn't even mind the miniature bathroom! I've had the friendliest "housekeepers". I wish I could make them all pen pals! I love these trips. I love seeing the older parts of our country. These are my Loui Armstrong trips where I get to see all the different colors of the rainbows and I love every bit of it.
But I'm so ready to go home. I'm ready to sleep in my own bed, do my own cooking, do my own laundry, even clean my own little bathroom! And I'm so ready to give my kitty some loving! I'm ready to get settled back into my corner of this rainbow we live in. So till next time I bid you adieu!

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